# Supplementary material to the manuscript # "Calculating nuclear accidents probabilities from empirical frequencies" # Minh Ha-Duong, CNRS and Venance Journé, CNRS # haduong@centre-cired.fr journe@centre-cired.fr # # (c) Ha-Duong, 2012, 2013 # This R script and the accompaning data file are released according to Creative Commons "Attribution 3.0" license yearStart <- 1951 yearINES <- 1991 yearNow <- 2011 year2date <- function(year) {(year-1970)*365.25} data <- read.csv("accidents.csv" , header = TRUE, sep="\t") attach(data) reactorsinoperation <- read.csv("reactors_in_operation.txt", header=TRUE, sep=" ") png(filename="Figure.png", width=16, height=18, units="cm", res=96*3, pointsize=10) layout(matrix(c(1,2), 2,1), heights=c(2,1)) # Top panel: Time distribution of accidents per year # ASSERT: Table 1 data match the number of dots visible in the figure jitteredData <- INES jitteredData[is.na(INES)]<-2 jitteredData<-jitter(jitteredData) # Recode facility types into dot types. 1 is R code for "empty circle", 19 is "filled circle" facilitySymbols <- FACILITY levels(facilitySymbols) <- 1+(levels(FACILITY) == "Power reactor")*18 facilitySymbols <- as.integer(as.vector(facilitySymbols)) plot(as.Date(DATE), jitteredData, pch=facilitySymbols, yaxt="n", xlab="Year", ylab="INES rating", xlim=c(year2date(1950), year2date(2012)), ylim=c(3.5,7.5), main="Historical dataset of nuclear accidents (HJ-20130724)", frame.plot=FALSE) axis(2,at=4:7,lty=0,tck=0,las=1,cex.axis=3.5) rect(year2date(yearStart-1),6.6, year2date(yearNow+1), 7.4) rect(year2date(yearStart-1),5.6, year2date(yearNow+1), 6.4) rect(year2date(yearStart-1),4.6, year2date(yearNow+1), 5.4) rect(year2date(yearStart-1),3.6, year2date(yearNow+1), 4.4) rug(as.Date(DATE), side=1) rug(jitteredData, side=2) legend("top", title="", c("Power plant","Other facility type"), pch=c(19,1), horiz=TRUE, bty="n", inset=-.085) # Bottom panel : Reactors in operation per year plot(reactorsinoperation$year, reactorsinoperation$reactors, xlim=c(1950, 2012), xlab="Year", ylab="Number of reactors" , main = "Commercial nuclear power reactors in operation") dev.off()