Evaluation of multi-model aerosol distributions over East Asia using in-situ and satellite observations during summer 2008
As part of the EU ECLIPSE (Evaluating the CLimate and air quality ImPacts of Short-livEd pollutants) project, which aims to quantify the climate impact of short lived climate forcers (SLCFs), including aerosols, black carbon and ozone, the WRF-Chem regional and six global (ECHAM6, EMEP, HadGEM, OsloCTM, NORESM, TM4) models are evaluated using observations in East-Asia. Simulations are compared at horizontal and vertical scales to satellite observations, as well as data from field campaigns which took place in summer 2008, and from long-term measurement stations. Models were run with the same emissions, namely, the ECLIPSE anthropogenic (based on the GAINS model), GFED 3.1 fire and RCP 6.0 ship and aircraft emissions for 2008. The initial and boundary conditions for the WRF-Chem regional model were specified from the TM4 global chemical transport model. Firstly, this study evaluates the ability of the models to simulate aerosol physical, optical and chemical properties at a large scale, both horizontally and vertically, using monthly mean satellite observations such as CALIPSO, MODIS and IASI. Secondly, model daily and hourly results are evaluated at more regional/local scales using ground-based data and measurements from summer 2008 intensive campaigns, including aircraft data (CAPMEX and CAREBEIJING). In this study, we assess aerosol total concentrations and size distributions simulated by the model. The radiative impact of anthropogenic aerosol layers has already been investigated but less is known about the influence of vertical layering in the atmosphere. Pollution layers have different radiative impacts whether they are below or above clouds and in that sense, a better understanding of their spatial and vertical extent is critical. Information about pollution layers and cloud optical properties and locations over East-Asia are determined using observations from IASI for trace gases and CALIPSO for aerosols. The radiative impact of the aerosol layers is simulated and compared to the observations. The impact of differences in the evaluated parameters on the radiative calculations will be estimated.