Preprints, Working Papers, ... Year : 2014

Rapidly convergent two-dimensional quasi-periodic Green function throughout the spectrum--including Wood anomalies


We introduce a new methodology, based on new quasi-periodic Green functions which converge rapidly even at and around Wood-anomaly configurations, for the numerical solution of problems of scattering by periodic rough surfaces in two-dimensional space. As is well known the classical quasi-periodic Green function ceases to exist at Wood anomalies. The approach introduced in this text produces fast Green function convergence throughout the spectrum on the basis of a certain "finite-differencing" approach and smooth windowing of the classical Green function lattice sum. The resulting Green-function convergence is super-algebraically fast away from Wood anomalies, and it reduces to an arbitrarily-high (user-prescribed) algebraic order of convergence at Wood anomalies.
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hal-00923678 , version 1 (03-01-2014)


  • HAL Id : hal-00923678 , version 1


Oscar P. Bruno, Bérangère Delourme. Rapidly convergent two-dimensional quasi-periodic Green function throughout the spectrum--including Wood anomalies. 2014. ⟨hal-00923678⟩
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