Journal Articles Adsorption - Journal of the International Adsorption Society Year : 2013

Thermodynamic and structural properties of water adsorbed film on MgO (100) ionic surface


We have investigated by adsorption isotherms and neutron diffraction measurements, respectively the thermodynamic and structural properties of water physisorbed film on MgO (100) powder. Thanks to a high temperature thermal treatment, under vacuum, our MgO powder samples are characterized by a highly homogeneous (100) MgO surface. We have determined the structure of the (2D) water film physisorbed on such an ionic surface. This one is a commensurate P(2×3) structure which is very similar to the (110) planes of ice-VII. Recall that ice VII, which is stable at very high pressure, is characterized by a quite large density (d = 1.6).

Dates and versions

hal-00843744 , version 1 (12-07-2013)



Jean-Paul Coulomb, Benjamin Demirdjian, Daniel Ferry, Mohsen Trabelsi. Thermodynamic and structural properties of water adsorbed film on MgO (100) ionic surface. Adsorption - Journal of the International Adsorption Society, 2013, 19 (2-4), pp.861-867. ⟨10.1007/s10450-013-9538-z⟩. ⟨hal-00843744⟩
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