Natural endomorphisms of quasi-shuffle Hopf algebras
The Hopf algebra of word-quasi-symmetric functions ($\WQSym$), a noncommutative generalization of the Hopf algebra of quasi-symmetric functions, can be endowed with an internal product that has several compatibility properties with the other operations on $\WQSym$. This extends constructions familiar and central in the theory of free Lie algebras, noncommutative symmetric functions and their various applications fields, and allows to interpret $\WQSym$ as a convolution algebra of linear endomorphisms of quasi-shuffle algebras. We then use this interpretation to study the fine structure of quasi-shuffle algebras (MZVs, free Rota-Baxter algebras...). In particular, we compute their Adams operations and prove the existence of generalized Eulerian idempotents, that is, of a canonical left-inverse to the natural surjection map to their indecomposables, allowing for the combinatorial construction of free polynomial generators for these algebras.