Managerial and implementation aspects in the design of an industrial performance improvement project: Conflicts and complementarities
In the current industrial context, strategies intended to bring about continuous improvement have to include the multi-criteria performance expression aspects. The Multi Attributes Utility Theory (MAUT) offers a relevant framework to design performances improvement in this multi criteria context. However, the MAUT models are preference models: they can only address the managerial part in the improvement design. They must be completed with other representations to cover the whole design process. To that aim optimization techniques are proposed to compute the most relevant objectives to be reached. The contribution of each partial performance to the overall performance gain then relies on a combinatory based sensitivity analysis. Finally, a fuzzy representation is proposed to model the relationships between goals and actions to tackle the implementation part of the improvement. The most relevant actions to meet the established objectives are deduced from this last model. An iterative procedure may be required to meet the expected improvement precisely.