Orientation Relationships of Copper Crystals on C-Plane Sapphire
Copper particles have been grown on sapphire (0 0 0 1) substrates by dewetting a copper film either in the solid or the liquid state.
After equilibration the particles adopt different orientation relationships (ORs). Solid state dewetting produces a single OR:
Cu(1 1 1)[-110]||Al2O3(0 0 0 1)[-1010]: In contrast, dewetting in the liquid state (followed by solid state equilibration) produces four additional
ORs, Cu(1 1 1)[ -110]||Al2O3(0 0 0 1)[-21 10]; Cu(1 1 0)[-110]||Al2O3(0 0 0 1)[-21 10]; Cu(3 1 1)[011]||Al2O3(0 0 0 1)[-21 10 ]and
Cu(2 1 0)[0 0 1]||Al2O3(0 0 0 1) [-21 10]; which have been found to have a similar interfacial energy. All of the ORs observed in this study
are consistent with the Fecht and Gleiter lock-in model, from which one would expect that densely packed directions in the interface
plane of the metal crystals will tend to align with relatively dense directions in the substrate surface. The change in alignment direction
on the c-sapphire side of the interface, from Al2O3 -1010 for solid state dewetted samples to Al2O3 -21 10 for samples dewetted in
the liquid state, appears to be related to a reconstruction of the copper–c-sapphire interface that occurs at a temperature between those at
which the two types of samples are processed.