%0 Journal Article %T Video-rate laser Doppler vibrometry by heterodyne holography %+ Institut Langevin - Ondes et Images (UMR7587) (IL) %+ Laboratoire Kastler Brossel (LKB (Lhomond)) %+ Laboratoire Charles Coulomb (L2C) %A Samson, Benjamin %A Verpillat, Frédéric %A Gross, Michel %A Atlan, Michael %< avec comité de lecture %@ 0146-9592 %J Optics Letters %I Optical Society of America - OSA Publishing %V 36 %N 8 %P 1449 %8 2011-03-18 %D 2011 %Z 1103.3592 %R 10.1364/OL.36.001449 %K laser doppler %K holography %K GPU %K vibrometry %K laser vibrometer %Z Physics [physics]/Physics [physics]/Optics [physics.optics]Journal articles %X We report a demonstration video-rate heterodyne holography in off-axis configuration. Reconstruction and display of 1 Megapixel holograms is achieved at 24 frames per second, with a graphics processing unit. Our claims are validated with real-time screening of steady-state vibration amplitudes in a wide-field, non-contact vibrometry experiment. %G English %2 https://hal.science/hal-00578035v1/document %2 https://hal.science/hal-00578035v1/file/RealtimeImage.pdf %L hal-00578035 %U https://hal.science/hal-00578035 %~ ENS-PARIS %~ UPMC %~ ESPCI %~ LKB %~ CNRS %~ ALLINSP %~ PARISTECH %~ IL %~ L2C %~ LANGEVIN %~ PSL %~ UPMC_POLE_2 %~ MIPS %~ UNIV-MONTPELLIER %~ SORBONNE-UNIVERSITE %~ SU-INF-2018 %~ SU-SCIENCES %~ UP-SCIENCES %~ ENS-PSL %~ ESPCI-PSL %~ SU-TI %~ ALLIANCE-SU %~ UM-2015-2021