Communication Dans Un Congrès Année : 2004

Description formats of tool trajectory suited to High-Speed Machining


Numerous works have shown that the linear format of tool path is not well adapted to HSM for it does allow an optimal follow-up of the tool trajectory by the NC unit, nor a good part surface quality. This paper deals with formats of tool trajectory relying on polynomial models. The tool path can be described as polynomial curves as well as polynomial surfaces. Geometrical and dynamical advantages of using such formats are exposed.
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hal-00577227 , version 1 (16-03-2011)


  • HAL Id : hal-00577227 , version 1


Armelle Affouard, Christophe Tournier, Sylvain Lavernhe, Claire Lartigue. Description formats of tool trajectory suited to High-Speed Machining. International Conference on High Speed Machining, Mar 2004, Nanjing, China. ⟨hal-00577227⟩
131 Consultations
144 Téléchargements

