Identification par barcode (séquences nucléotidiques d'un fragment du gène du cytochrome b) des larves de Lethrinidae capturées en baies de Dumbéa et Ouano (Nouvelle-Calédonie). Rapport d'opération ZoNéCo. IRD, Nouméa.
Cytochrome-b barcoding of Lethrinidae larvae from the Dumbea and Ouano bays, New Caledonia. – Very few descriptions of Lethrindae larvae are available, although Lethrinidae are of high ecological importance in the reef and lagoon ecosystems of the tropical Indo-Pacific. They are also commercial species of importance to human consumption throughout the region. Here we present the nucleotide sequences of a fragment (315 base pairs) of the cytochrome b gene, used as barcode for 24 Lethrinidae species that occur in New Caledonia. A reference genetic database was established from the nucleotide sequences of adult specimens whose identification was certified. The occurrence of three cryptic Monotaxinae species was confirmed. Several Lethrininae species showed strong genetic differences according to their geographic origin. The identification to species of 11 juvenile Lethrinidae (Lethrinus genivitattus, L. harak et L. variegatus) collected in the South-West lagoon was validated. All individuals in a sample of 31 larvae sampled using light traps in the Dumbea and Ouano bays were identified by cytochrome b barcoding. The following 6 species were identified without ambiguity: Lethrinus genivitattus, L. harak, L. miniatus, L. nebulosus, L. olivaceus and L. variegatus. The present work is a step toward determining the morphological characters that best discriminate among the latter species.
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