Preprints, Working Papers, ... Year : 2010

The processes of gluon fusion producing chargino or neutralino pairs at high energies


According to the helicity conservation (HCns) theorem, the sum of the helicities should be conserved, in any 2-to-2 processes in MSSM with R-parity conservation, at high energies; i.e. all amplitudes violating this rule, must vanish asymptotically. The realization of HCns in gluon-fusion to charginos or neutralinos is studied, at the one loop electroweak order (EW), and simple high energy expressions are derived for the non-vanishing helicity conserving (HC) amplitudes. These are very similar to the corresponding expressions for $gg \to W^+W^-, ZZ, \gamma Z, \gamma\gamma $ derived before. Asymptotic relations among observable unpolarized cross sections for many such processes are then obtained, some of which may hold at LHC-type energies.

Dates and versions

hal-00544020 , version 1 (07-12-2010)



G. J. Gounaris, Jacques Layssac, Fernand Michel Renard. The processes of gluon fusion producing chargino or neutralino pairs at high energies. 2010. ⟨hal-00544020⟩
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