The processes of gluon fusion producing chargino or neutralino pairs at high energies
According to the helicity conservation (HCns) theorem, the sum of the helicities should be conserved, in any 2-to-2 processes in MSSM with R-parity conservation, at high energies; i.e. all amplitudes violating this rule, must vanish asymptotically. The realization of HCns in gluon-fusion to charginos or neutralinos is studied, at the one loop electroweak order (EW), and simple high energy expressions are derived for the non-vanishing helicity conserving (HC) amplitudes. These are very similar to the corresponding expressions for $gg \to W^+W^-, ZZ, \gamma Z, \gamma\gamma $ derived before. Asymptotic relations among observable unpolarized cross sections for many such processes are then obtained, some of which may hold at LHC-type energies.