Conference Papers Year : 2010

Dynamic Reliability Modeling of Cooperating Digital-Based Systems


Dynamic reliability explicitly handles the interactions between the stochastic behavior of system components and the deterministic behavior of process variables. However, its industrial level applications are still limited, notably due to the inherent complexity of the theory and the lack of a generic modeling framework. The increased use of digital-based systems has also introduced additional modeling challenges related to the interactions between cooperating digital components. For solving these challenges, the present paper first extends the mathematical framework of dynamic reliability to handle 1) information and data computed and exchanged between digital components; and 2) random parameter deviations. A formalized Petri net approach is then proposed to perform the corresponding reliability analyses, using a finite element method. Finally, the framework's effectiveness is demonstrated on a simplified model of a nuclear reactor case study.
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hal-00533557 , version 1 (08-11-2010)


  • HAL Id : hal-00533557 , version 1


Florent Brissaud, Carol Smidts, Anne Barros, Christophe Bérenguer. Dynamic Reliability Modeling of Cooperating Digital-Based Systems. European Safety and Reliability Conference, ESREL 2009, Sep 2010, Rhodes, Greece. Dynamic Reliability Modeling of Cooperating Digital-Based Systems. ⟨hal-00533557⟩
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