Effects of the phenylurea herbicide diuron on natural riverine microbial communities in an experimental study.
The effects of the phenylurea herbicide diuron (10 microgl(-1)) on natural riverine microbial communities were investigated using a three-week laboratory microcosm study. During the first six days, a latency period was observed both in the algal and the bacterial communities despite favorable abiotic conditions and independently of diuron exposure. From the second week, an intense algal bloom (chlorophyll a concentrations and cell abundances) was observed in the uncontaminated microcosms but not in the treated microcosms. The bloom stimulated the bacterial community and led to an increase in heterotrophic bacterial production ([3H]thymidine incorporation), activity (CTC reduction) and cell abundance. In parallel, shifts in bacterial community composition were recorded by polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-temporal temperature gradient gel electrophoresis (TTGE) analysis, whereas no major variation was detected using the fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) method. In the treated microcosms, the diuron acted not by damaging the initial communities but by inhibiting the algal bloom and indirectly maintaining constant bacterial conditions throughout the experiment. These inhibitory effects, which were recorded in terms of abundance, activity and diversity, suggest that exposure to diuron can decrease the recovery capacities of microbial communities and delay the resumption of an efficient microbial food web despite favorable environmental conditions.