Seismicity and Crustal Structure of the Polochic-Motagua Fault System Area (Guatemala)
We report results from a six-month seismological experiment in the area of the eastern Polochic-Motagua fault system (Guatemala) designed to both characterize the present seismicity and bring some constraints on the lithospheric structure. The seismic activity occurs in the upper 15 km of the crust, on the Polochic and the Motagua faults as well as in a NS-trending graben south of the Motagua fault and within the active folds north of the Polochic fault. From receiver function analysis the Moho discontinuity is found at about 35 km depth north of the Polochic fault and south of the Motagua fault, while the region in between is characterized by a 4-to-6-km thinner crust or by a 6–7% decrease of the Vp/Vs ratio.