Database analysis and multi-system coupling for peri-urban river basin modelling
Due to the expansion of urbanization, peri-urban zones face a quick land-use change. The control over this phenomenon has become a major issue for flood and water pollution management. Nevertheless, peri-urban basins mixing rural and urban behaviors, have not been studied by neither urban nor rural hydrologists. Thus, so far we are still on the pursuit of a well adapted model to these particular basins. In the framework of AVuPUR Project (Assessing the Vulnerability of Peri-Urban Rivers, 2008-2010, funded by the French Agence Nationale pour la Recherche (ANR) under contract n° ANR-07-VULN-01), we are studying a peri-urban basin on the Chézine river located in the suburbs of Nantes, in northwestern France in order to develop such hydrological model.