Explicit analytical formulation and exact inversion of decomposable fuzzy systems with singleton consequents
This paper is devoted to the inversion of fuzzy systems expressed by fuzzy rules with singleton consequents if input variables are described using strong triangular partitions. As pointed out in recent works, such fuzzy systems can be decomposed into collections of multi-linear subsystems. In this paper, an analytical formulation of the system output is explicitly developed and directly used in order to determine solutions to the inversion problem. Based on this analytical methodology, an algorithm is proposed for computing inverse solutions. As the inversion is handled analytically, the exactness of the obtained solutions is guaranteed. Furthermore, according to the decomposability of the studied fuzzy systems, all inverse solutions are found. Finally, whatever the fuzzy system under consideration, there is no need to study its invertibility beforehand since the algorithm is able to handle all possible situations (no solution, one unique solution, multiple solutions, an infinity of solutions). The proposed approach can be easily extended to other types of fuzzy systems provided that decomposability is preserved. In other words, with regard to exact inversion which often plays a key role in engineering applications such as control or diagnosis, decomposability is probably the first criterion that should be considered when choosing a specific fuzzy system structure.