List of movies files are: 1) pant_ground_truth_cameras_side_1.wmv "Movie from real cameras to compare to reconstruction : view point : side 1" 2) pant_reconstruction_side_1.wmv "Movie of 4D reconstruction with added interpolated frames for fluidity : view point : side 1" 3) pant_reconstruction_side_2.wmv "Movie of 4D reconstruction with added interpolated frames for fluidity : view point : side 2" 4) pant_reconstruction_side_1_textured.wmv "Textured Movie of 4D reconstruction : view point : side 1" 5) dancer_ground_truth_cameras.wmv "Movie from real cameras to compare to reconstruction" 6) dancer_reconstruction.wmv "Movie of 4D reconstruction with added interpolated frames for fluidity" --> Textured Movie File 4) illustrates the fact that we get good point trajectories in time. Our texture is computed only at first instant, and as we can see on movie, points follow right trajectories and texture remains correct over time. -->Files 2) , 3) and 6) are movies with interpolated frames, as we have one fixed connectivity over time and varying position it is quite easy to generate intermediate instant mesh with intermediate positions.