Synthesis of Planar Five-Connected Nodal Ligands
he synthesis of ligands with five symmetrically diverging binding sites is described and their assembly into large spherical structures (such as that shown here) investigated. Synthetic routes to a penta(4-pyridyl)cyclopentadienyl ligand are explored. The most successful route uses a palladium-catalysed pentapyridation of di(tert-butyl)phosphinoferrocene by using a procedure developed by Hartwig. The same method allows the synthesis of cyclopentadiene ligands substituted with 4-benzaldehydes or 4-phenylthiols. The pyridine ligands are formally five-connected nodes that may be linked by linear coordination metals to give closed spherical complexes of composition [(metal)30(ligand)12] as shown by molecular modelling. Experiment shows that the ligand complexes copper(I) and silver(I) with the expected 1:2.5 stoichiometry, and the 1H NMR spectrum of the resulting product shows the ligands to be equivalent. NMR diffusion and light-scattering measurements support the formation of a species with a hydrodynamic radius of the order of 15 Å, in agreement with the modelling studies. The resulting complex would be topologically identical to the C60 fullerene structure.