Article Dans Une Revue Revue Internationale de CFAO et d'informatique graphique Année : 2003

Usinage de poches en UGV - Aide au choix de stratégies


The paper deals with associating the optimal machining strategy to a given pocket geometry, within the context of High-Speed Machining (HSM) of aeronautical pockets. First we define different classes of pocket features according to geometrical criteria. Following, we propose a method allowing to associate a set of capable tools to the features. Each capable tool defines a machined zone with a specific geometry. The last part of the paper is thus dedicated to associate the optimal machining strategy to a given geometry within the context of HSM. Results highlight that analyses must be conducted in a dynamical as well as a geometrical viewpoint. In particular, it becomes necessary to integrate dynamical specifities associated to the behavior of the couple machine/NC unit in the tool path calculation.
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hal-00373733 , version 1 (07-04-2009)



Kwamiwi Mawussi, Sylvain Lavernhe, Claire Lartigue. Usinage de poches en UGV - Aide au choix de stratégies. Revue Internationale de CFAO et d'informatique graphique, 2003, 18 (3), pp.337-349. ⟨hal-00373733⟩
124 Consultations
922 Téléchargements


