Conference Papers Year : 2003

Tests of the nature and of the gluon content of the \sigma(0.6) from D and D_{s} semileptonic decays


We quantitatively study the effects, beyond the SVZ-expansion, due to instanton and tachyonic gluon mass, to the scalar isoscalar two-point functions supporting the fact that the QCD spectral sum do not favour the $\bar uu+\bar dd$ interpretation of the broad and low mass ?(0.6). Then, we emphasize that a measurement of the Ds semileptonic decays into ?? can reveal in a model-independent way its eventual gluon component ?B. The analysis also implies that one expects an observation of the $K\bar K$ final states from the ?B which may compete (if phase space allowed) with the one from a low mass $\bar ss$ state assumed in the literature to be the SU(3) partner of the observed u(0.6) if the latter is a $\bar uu+\bar dd$ state.

Dates and versions

hal-00328139 , version 1 (09-10-2008)



Hans Guenter Dosh, Stephan Narison. Tests of the nature and of the gluon content of the \sigma(0.6) from D and D_{s} semileptonic decays. QCD 02 9th High-Energy Physics International Conference on Quantum ChromoDynamics, Jul 2002, Montpellier, France. pp.114-118. ⟨hal-00328139⟩
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