Analysis of collaboration for design coordination
Beyond the process to allocate resources to a design activity, it's necessary to focus on the collaboration between actors to increase the design teams' efficiency. This paper proposes an analysis of the collaboration which could appear in the design process to create adapted design actor's environment to direct them. The different design models and methods are described to underline the actor's design thinking. The involving collaboration mechanisms between design actors are analyzed then a taxonomy of the collaboration is pro-posed with three views: the process definition, the relationship freedom between actors and the experiment collaboration in the design team. During the engineering design progress, the project manager should be able to analyze each design situation then to promote collaborative situation apparition by creating adapted design environment. A design environment is characterized by the design situation observed and the expected objec-tives. The models to describe a situation then an environment are proposed. Finally the project manager actions are described according to the collaboration expectations to satisfy the projects objectives.