An improved geometrical optics model for bistatic GPS scattering from the ocean surface
This paper is concerned with the properties of bistatic microwave scattering from a randomly rough surface, and specifically its application to the study of global positioning system (GPS) satellite signals reflected from the ocean. We present a discussion of some recent refinements of Kirchhoff-type models based on second-order iterations of the surface-current integral equation, and the relationship between these models and their high-frequency (geometric optics) limit. In particular, we show that use of these refinements can extend the domain of applicability of the standard geometrical optics (GO) model. It is found that GO can be nearly as accurate as a Kirchhoff-based model provided that the wavenumber cutoff, at which the surface wave spectrum must be filtered in computing the required slope moments, depends on the roughness of the ocean surface (i.e., wind speed) as well as the incident angle and frequency of the radiation. We use a GO model refined in this way to analyze GPS surface reflection data collected from an aircraft equipped with two down-looking antennas for receiving both left- and right-hand circularly polarized reflections. Concurrent measurements of the local wind and wave conditions were collected from a nearby research vessel. Measured waveforms and mean Doppler widths at both polarizations are compared with predictions from our refined GO model, and discussion is given concerning the sensitivity of the reflected radiation to various geophysical parameters and the utility of GPS reflections for remote sensing applications.