Avaliação dos Detectores de Defeitos e sua Influência nas Operações de Consenso
This work presents our observations and analysis on the influence of the failure detectors over the consensus algorithm. Failure detectors are essential to the consensus in an asynchronous distributed system, as they represent one of the few techniques that are able to circumvent the limitation imposed by the FLP Impossibility (the impossibility to distinguish a crashed process from a slow one, in asynchronous systems). While failure detectors are well defined through two properties, completeness and accuracy, there's no rule about their implementation. Thus, in the literature there are many models of failure detectors, each one implemented using different approaches to the communication and detection strategies. However, these detectors seldom compare themselves to the existing ones; their authors usually present only the advantages and innovations of the new model. Indeed, we only found one work that tried to compare different failure detectors. Using simulation techniques, that work evaluated the impact of the failure detectors on the consensus termination time. However, that research was very limited in the number of detectors analyzed and in the evaluation goals. The present work extended that experience, including more detectors in the analysis and evaluating them in a practical environment. Also, the observations were not restricted to those from the original paper, and the detectors were analyzed with more metrics, failure patterns and operational parameters. The evaluation allowed us to identify the behavior from the detectors in face of the most significant failure patterns, their influence on the consensus operation and their interaction with the execution environment. These evaluation also enabled us to compare the detectors, identifying their limitations, their best performance situations and possible optimizations to future developments.