Microarray analysis of differential gene expression in the liver of lean and fat chickens.
Excessive adiposity has become a major drawback in meat-type chicken production. However, few studies were conducted to analyze the liver expression of genes involved in pathways and mechanisms leading to adiposity. A previous study performed by differential display on RNAs extracted from chicken livers from lean and fat lines allowed us to isolate cDNA products of genes with putative differential expression. In this study, a cDNA microarray resource was developed from these products together with cDNAs from genes involved in or related to lipid metabolism. This resource was used to analyze gene expression in the liver from lean and fat chickens. Some genes were found with a difference in expression between lean and fat animals and/or correlated to adipose tissue weight. Cytochrome P450 2C45, thought to play a role in biotransformation of steroids and poly-unsaturated fatty acids, was more expressed in lean chickens whereas fatty acid synthase, stearoyl-CoA desaturase, sterol response element binding factor 1 and hepatocyte nuclear factor 4, respectively involved in lipogenesis and its regulation, were more expressed in fat chickens. These results indicate that mechanisms involved in the expression and regulation of lipogenic genes could play a key role in fatness ontogenesis in chickens from lean and fat lines.