Optimal estimation for Large-Eddy Simulation of turbulence and application to the analysis of subgrid models
The tools of optimal estimation are applied to the study of subgrid models for Large-Eddy Simulation of turbulence. The concept of optimal estimator is introduced and its properties are analyzed in the context of applications to a priori tests of subgrid models. Attention is focused on the Cook and Riley model in the case of a scalar field in isotropic turbulence. Using DNS data, the relevance of the beta assumption is estimated by computing (i) generalized optimal estimators and (ii) the error brought by this assumption alone. Optimal estimators are computed for the subgrid variance using various sets of variables and various techniques (histograms and neural networks). It is shown that optimal estimators allow a thorough exploration of models. Neural networks are proved to be relevant and very efficient in this framework, and further usages are suggested.