Analysis of shared heritability in common disorders of the brain - Archive ouverte HAL
Article Dans Une Revue Science Année : 2018

Analysis of shared heritability in common disorders of the brain

Verneri Anttila (1) , Brenda Sullivan (1) , Hilary Finucane (2) , Walter Walters (1) , Jose Bras (3) , Laramie Duncan (1) , Valentina Price (4) , Guido Falcone (1) , Padhraig Gormley (1) , Rainer Malik (5) , Pat Patsopoulos (2) , Stephan Ripke (1) , Wei Wei (6) , Dongmei Yu (2) , Phil L Lee (2) , Patrick Turley (1) , Benjamin Grenier-Boley (7) , Vincent Chouraki (7) , Yoichiro Kamatani (8) , Claudine Berr (9) , Luc Letenneur (10, 11) , Didier Hannequin (12) , Philip Amouyel (7) , Anne Boland (13) , Jean-François Deleuze (13) , Emmanuelle Duron (14) , N. Vardarajan , Chris Reitz (15) , Alison Goate (16) , Matthew Huentelman , M. Ilyas Kamboh (17) , Lars Larson (18) , Ekaterina Rogaeva (19) , Peter St George-Hyslop (19) , Hakon Hakonarson (20) , Walter Kukull , Lindsay Li , Lisa Li , Thomas Thomas , F. Yesim Demirci (17) , Eli Head (21) , Chris Hulette (22) , Gregory Jicha (23) , John Kauwe (24) , Jeffrey Kaye (25) , James Leverenz (26) , Allan Levey (27) , Andrew Li (28) , Vernon Pankratz (29) , Wayne Poon (30) , Joseph Quinn (31) , Andrew Saykin (32) , Lon Lo (33) , Amanda Smit (34) , Joshua So (35) , Robert Stern (36) , Vivianna van Deerlin (37) , Linda Li (21) , Denise Harold (38) , Giancarlo Russo (39) , David C. Rubinsztein (40) , Anthony Bayer (41) , Magda Tsolaki (42) , Petra Proitsi (43) , Nick Fox (44) , Harald Hampel (45) , Michael Owen (46) , Simon Sim (47) , Peter Passmore (48) , Kevin Morgan (49) , Mark Markus (50) , Jonathan Schott (51, 44) , Martin Kauffmann , Michel Lupton (52) , Per Hoffmann (50) , Johannes Kornhuber (53) , Brian Lawlor (54) , Andrew Mcquillin (55) , Ammar Al-Chalabi (43) , Joshua Bis (56) , Agustin Ruiz , Mercè Boada , Sudha Seshadri (57) , Alexa Beiser (58) , Kenneth Rice (18) , Sven van Der Lee (59) , Philip de Jager (60) , Dan Geschwind (61) , Matthias Riemenschneider (62) , Helle Riedel-Heller (63) , Jerome Rotter (64) , Gerhard Ran (65) , Bradley T. Hyman (66) , Carlos Cruchaga (67) , Montserrat Alegret , Bendik Winsvold (68) , Priit Palta (69) , Kai-How Farh (2) , Ester Cuenca-Leon (1) , Nicholas Furlotte (70) , Tobias Kurth (71) , Lannie Li (72) , Gisela Terwindt (73) , Tobias Freilinger (74) , Carol Ran (75) , Scott Scott (52) , Guntram Borck (76) , Hieab H.H. Adams (59) , Terho Lehtimaki (77) , Juho Wedenoja (78) , Julie Buring (79) , Maria Hrafnsdottir (80) , Jan Hottenga (72) , Brenda Penninx (81) , Ville Artto , Mari Kaunisto (69) , Salli Vepsäläinen , Nicholas M Martin (52) , Grant W. Montgomery (52) , Mitja Kurki (1) , Eija Hämäläinen (69) , Hailiang Huang (1) , Jie Huang (82) , Cynthia Sandor (83) , Caleb Webb (83) , Bertram Müller-Myhsok (84) , Stefan Schreiber (85, 86) , Veikko Salomaa (87) , Eli Lo (88) , Hartmut Göbel , Alfons Macaya (89) , Pat Pozo-Rosich (90) , Jaakko Kaprio (87, 69) , Andres Metspalu (91) , Chris Kubisch (92) , Michel Ferrari (73) , Andrea Belin (75) , Arn M.J.M. van den Maagdenberg (93) , John Zwart (68) , Dorret I. Boomsma (94) , Nicholas Eriksson (70) , Ole Olesen (95) , Dan Chasman (79) , Dale Nyholt (96) , Richard Anney (97, 46) , Andreja Avbersek (98) , Larry Bau (99) , Samuel F. Berkovic (100) , Jonathan Bradfield , Russell Buono (101) , Claudia Catarino (98) , Patrick Cossette (102) , Peter de Jonghe (103) , Chantal Depondt (104) , Dennis Dlugos (20) , Jacqueline French (105) , Helle Hjalgrim , Jennifer Jamnadas-Khoda (98) , Reetta Kälviäinen (106) , Wolfram Kunz (107) , Holger Lerche (108) , Costin Leu (109) , Dick Li (110) , Warren Lo (111) , Dan Lowenstein (112) , Mark Mccormack (113) , Rikke Møller (114) , Anne Molloy (115) , Ping-Wing Ng (116) , Oliver Oliver (100) , Michael Privitera (117) , Rodney Radtke (22) , Ann-Kathrin Ruppert (118) , Steve Schachter (66) , Chris Schankin (119) , Ingrid E. Scheffer (100) , Susan Schoch (107) , Sanjay Sisodiya (98) , Philip Smit (120) , Michael Sperling (121) , Pasquale Striano , Rainer Surges (107) , Frank Visscher , Chris Whelan (113) , Federico Zara , Erin Heinzen (60) , Anthony Marson (122) , Felicitas Becker (123) , Hans Stroink , Fritz Zimprich (124) , Thomas Gasser (123) , Raphael Gibbs (125) , Peter Heutink (126) , Matias Martinez (127) , Huw Morris (98) , Manu Sharma (123) , Mina Ryten (98) , Kin Mok (98) , Sara Pulit (110) , Steve Bevan (128) , Eli Holliday (129) , John Attia (129) , Thomas Battey (1) , Giorgio Boncoraglio (130) , Vincent Thijs (100) , Wei Chen (131) , Braxton Mitchell (132) , Peter M Rothwell (133) , Pankaj Sharma (134) , Cathie Cath (135) , Astrid M. Vicente (136) , Chris Kourkoulis (2) , Joana Pera (137) , Miriam Mir (2) , Vesna Boraska Perica (138) , Laura Thornton (139) , Laura Huckins (140) , N. William Rayner (133) , Cathryn Cath , Mònica Gratacòs (141) , Filip Rybakowski , Anna Keski-Rahkonen (78) , Anu Raevuori (78) , James Hudson (142) , Ted Reichborn-Kjennerud (143) , Palmiero Monteleone (144) , Andreas Karwautz (124) , Katrin Männik (91) , Jessica Baker (139) , Julie O’toole , Sara Trace (139) , Oliver Davis (145) , Sietske Helder , Stefan Ehrlich (146) , Beate Herpertz-Dahlmann (147) , Dan Danner (148) , Annemarie van Elburg (148) , Maurizio Clementi (149) , Monica Forzan , Eli Docampo (150) , Jolanta Li (151) , Joanna Hauser , Alfonso Tortorella (152) , Mario Maj (153) , Fragiskos Gonidakis (154) , Konstantinos Tziouvas , Hana Papezova (155) , Zeynep Yilmaz (139) , Gudrun Wagner (156) , Sarah Wood (157) , Stefan Herms (50) , Antonio Julià (90) , Raquel Rabionet (141) , Dan Dick (158) , Samuli Ripatti (69) , Andreas Andreassen (159) , Thomas Espeseth (159) , Astri Lundervold (160) , Vidar Steen (160) , Dalila Pinto (140) , Stephen W. Scherer (161) , Harald Aschauer , Alexandra Schosser (46, 124) , Lars Alfredsson (75) , Leonid Padyukov (75) , Katherine Halmi (162) , James Brian Alexander Mitchell (163) , Michael Strober (61) , Andrew Bergen (164) , Walter Kaye (165) , Jin Peng Szatkiewicz (139) , Bru Cormand (166) , Josep Antoni Ramos (90) , Cristina Sánchez-Mora (90) , Marta Ribasés (167) , Miguel Miguel (89) , Amaia Hervás (168) , Maria Arranz , Jan Haavik (160) , Tetyana Zayats (160) , Stefan Johansson (169) , Nigel Williams (4) , Eli Elia (170) , Astrid Dempfle (85) , Aribert Rothenberger (171) , Jonna Kuntsi (172) , Robert D. Oades (84) , Tobias Banaschewski (173) , Barbara Franke (174) , Jan Buitelaar (174) , Alejandro Arias Vasquez (174) , Alysa E. Doyle (1) , Andreas Reif (175) , Peter Lesch (176) , Chris Freitag (175) , Olga Rivero , Haukur Palmason (80) , Marcel Romanos , Kate Langley (177) , Marcella Rietschel (173) , Stephanie Witt (173) , Soeren So (178) , Anders D. Børglum (178) , Irwin Waldman (179) , Beth Wilmot (25) , Nikolas Molly (180) , Claiton H.D. Bau (181) , Jennifer Crosbie (182) , Russell Schachar (182) , Sandra K. Loo (183) , James J. Mcgough (61) , Eugenio Grevet (184) , Sarah M Medland (52) , Robin Robinson (1) , Wei Weiss (112) , Elena Bacchelli (185) , Anthony J. Bailey (186) , Vanessa Bal (112) , Agatino Battaglia (187) , Catalina Betancur (188, 189) , Patrick F. Bolton (172) , Rita M. Cantor (61) , Pat So , Gerald Dawson (190) , Silvia de Rubeis (140) , Frederico Duque (191) , Andrew Green (192, 193) , Sabine M. Klauck (194) , Marion Leboyer (195) , Pat Levitt (196) , Elena Maestrini (185) , Shrikant M. Mane (197) , Dan De-Luca (198) , Jeremy R. Parr (199) , Regina Regan (192) , Abraham Reichenberg (140) , Sven Sandin (200) , Jacob Vorstman (182) , Thomas H. Wassink (180) , Ellen M. Wijsman (201) , Edwin H. Cook (202) , Susan L. Santangelo (203) , Richard Delorme (204) , Bernadette Rogé (205) , Tiago R. Magalhaes (192) , Dan E. Arking (206) , Thomas Schulze (207) , Robert C. Thompson (208) , Jana Strohmaier (209) , Matthew Matthews (210) , Ingrid Melle (159) , Derek Morris (211) , Douglas Blackwood (135) , Andrew Mcintosh (135) , Sarah E. Bergen (75) , Martin Schall (75) , Stéphane Jamain (195) , Anna Maaser (107) , Sascha Fischer (212) , Céline Reinbold (212) , Janice Fullerton (213) , Maria Grigoroiu-Serbanescu , José Guzman-Parra , Fermin Mayoral , Peter R. Schofield (213) , Sven Cichon (212) , Thomas Mühleisen (214) , Franziska Degenhardt (50) , Johannes Schumacher (50) , Michael Bauer (146) , Philip B. Mitchell (215) , Elliot S. Gershon (216) , John P. Rice (217) , James B. Potash (218) , Peter P. Zandi (219) , Nick Craddock (46) , I. Nicol Ferrier (199) , Martin Alda (220) , Guy A. Rouleau (221) , Gustavo Turecki (222) , Roel Ophoff (183) , Carlos N. Pato (223) , Adebayo Anjorin (55) , Eli Stahl (140) , Mark Leber (224) , Piotr M. Czerski , Howard J. Edenberg (32) , Cristiana Cruceanu (222) , Ian R. Jones (46) , Dan Posthuma (94) , Till F.M. Andlauer (84) , Andreas Forstner (107) , Fabian Streit (173) , Bernhard T. Baune (225) , Tracy Air (225) , Grant Sinnamon (226) , Naomi R. Wray (227) , Donald J. Macintyre (135) , David Porteous (135) , Georg Homuth (228) , Margarita Rivera (46) , Jakob Grove (178) , Chris Middeldorp (229) , Ian Hickie (230) , Michele Pergadia (67) , Divya Mehta (231) , Johannes Smit (81) , Rick Jansen (81) , Eco de Geus (72) , Erin Dunn (1) , Qingqin Li , Matthias Nauck (228) , Robert Schoevers (232) , Aartjan Tf Beekman (81) , James Knowles (223) , Alexander Viktorin (75) , Paul Arnold (233) , Cathy Cath (234) , Gabriel Bedoya-Berrio (235) , O. Joseph Bienvenu (206) , Helena Brentani (236) , Chris Burton (182) , Beatriz Camarena , Carol Cappi (236) , Dan Cath (232) , Maria Cavallini (237) , Dan Cusi , Sabrina Darrow (112) , Damiaan Denys (238) , Eske Derks (52) , Andrea Dietrich (239) , Thomas Fernandez (240) , Martijn Figee (241) , Nelson B. Freimer (183) , Gloria Gerber (1) , Marco Grados (218) , Erica Greenberg (1) , Gregory Hanna (208) , Andreas Hartmann (242) , Matthew Hirschtritt (112) , Pieter Hoekstra (232) , Alden Huang (183) , Chaim Huyser (241) , Cornelia Illmann (1) , Michael Jenike (243) , Samuel Kuperman (180) , Bennett L. Leventhal (112) , Chris Lochner (244) , Gholson Lyon (245) , Fabio Macciardi (246) , Marcos Madruga-Garrido (247) , Irene Malaty (248) , Athanasios Maras , Lauren Mcgrath (249) , Eurípedes Miguel (236) , Pablo Mir (247) , Gerald Nestadt (206) , Humberto Nicolini , Michael S. Okun (248) , Andrew Pakstis (240) , Peristera Paschou (250) , John Piacentini (61) , Chris Pittenger (240) , Kerstin Plessen (251) , Vasily Ramensky (252) , Eliana Ramos (61) , Victor Reus (112) , Margaret Richter (253) , Mark Riddle (206) , Robert Robertson (55) , Veit Roessner (146) , Maria Rosário (254) , Jack Samuels (218) , Paul Sandor (161) , Dan J Stein (244) , Fotis Tsetsos (255) , Filip van Nieuwerburgh (256) , Sarah Weatherall (1) , Jens Wendland , Tomasz Wolanczyk (257) , Yulia Worbe (258) , Gwyneth Zai (161) , Fernando S. Goes (218) , Nicole Mclaughlin (198) , Paul Nestadt (218) , Hans-Jörgen Grabe (228) , Chris Depienne (259) , Anuar Konkashbaev (260) , Nuria Lanzagorta , Ana Valencia-Duarte , Elvira Bramon (55) , Nancy G. Buccola , Wiepke Cahn (110) , Murray Murray (129) , Siow Chong (261) , David Cohen (242) , Benedicto Crespo-Facorro (262) , James Crowley (139) , David Davidson (263) , Lynn Delisi (243) , Timothy Dinan (264) , Gary Donohoe (211) , Elodie Drapeau (140) , Jubao Duan (265) , Lieuwe Haan (241) , David Hougaard (266) , Sena Karachanak-Yankova (267) , Andrey Khrunin (268) , Janis Klovins (269) , Vaidutis Kučinskas (270) , Jim Lee Chee Keong (271) , Svetlana Limborska (268) , Carmel Loughland (129) , Jouko Lönnqvist (87) , Brion Maher (219) , Manuel Mattheisen (178) , Colm Mcdonald (272) , Kieran Murphy (113) , Robin Murray (172) , Igor Nenadic (273) , Jim van Os (110) , Chris Pantelis (100) , Michele T. Pato (223) , Tracey Petryshen (2) , Digby J. Quested (274) , Panos Roussos (140) , Alan Sanders (216) , Ulrich Schall (275) , Sibylle Schwab (276) , Kang Sim (261) , Hon-Cheong So (277) , Elisabeth Stögmann (124) , Mythily Subramaniam (261) , Draga Toncheva (267) , John Waddington (113) , James Walters (46) , Mark Weiser (263) , Wei Cheng (139) , Robert C. Cloninger (67) , David Curtis (55) , Pablo V. Gejman (216) , Frans Henskens (129) , Morten Mattingsdal (159) , Sang-Yun Oh (278) , Rodney Scott (129) , Bradley Webb (158) , Gerome Breen (172) , Claire Churchhouse (1) , Cynthia Bulik (139) , Mark J. Daly (1) , Martin Dichgans (5) , Stephen V. Faraone (223) , Rita Guerreiro (3) , Peter Holmans (4) , Kenneth Kendler (158) , Bobby Koeleman (110) , Carol Mathews (248) , Alkes Price (2) , Jeremiah Scharf (2) , Pamela Sklar (140) , Julie Williams (4)
1 Massachusetts General Hospital [Boston]
2 BROAD INSTITUTE - Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard
3 UK DRI - UK Dementia Research Institute
4 School of Psychology [Cardiff University]
5 ISD - Institute for Stroke and Dementia Research
6 NJIT - New Jersey Institute of Technology [Newark]
7 RID-AGE - Facteurs de Risque et Déterminants Moléculaires des Maladies liées au Vieillissement - U 1167
8 RIKEN IMS - RIKEN Center for Integrative Medical Sciences [Yokohama]
9 PSNREC - Neuropsychiatrie : recherche épidémiologique et clinique
10 LBMA - Laboratoire de Biotechnologie et Microbiologie Appliquée
11 BPH - Bordeaux population health
12 Service de neurologie [Rouen]
13 JACOB - Institut de Biologie François JACOB
14 Gériatrie générale et aigüe [Paris]
15 Columbia University [New York]
16 Dpt of Neuroscience [New York]
17 PITT - University of Pittsburgh
18 University of Washington [Seattle]
19 Tanz Center Research in Neurodegenerative Diseases [Toronto]
20 CHOP - Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
21 UK - University of Kentucky
22 School of medicine
23 College of medicine
24 BYU - Brigham Young University
25 OHSU - Oregon Health and Science University [Portland]
26 Cleveland Clinic
27 Department of Neurology
28 Medical School
29 Health sciences center
30 Institute for Memory Impairments and Neurological Disorders [Irvine]
31 Department of Neurology
32 IUPUI - Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis
33 Keck School of Medicine [Los Angeles]
34 USF - University of South Florida [Tampa]
35 School of Medicine [University of Utah, Salt Lake City]
36 BUSM - Boston University School of Medicine
37 Perelman School of Medicine
38 DCU - Dublin City University [Dublin]
39 Functional Genomics Center Zurich
40 CIMR - Cambridge Institute for Medical Research
41 Cardiff University
42 Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
43 Maurice Wohl Clinical Neuroscience Institut
44 DRC - Dementia Research Centre [London]
45 GRC 21 - APM - Groupe de recherche clinique Alzheimer Precision Medicine
46 MRC Centre for Neuropsychiatric Genetics and Genomics
47 MRC Prion Unit [London]
48 QUB - Queen's University [Belfast]
49 School of Life Sciences
50 Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn
51 CRCM - Centre de Recherche en Cancérologie de Marseille
52 QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute
53 FAU - Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg = University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
54 School of Medicine [Dublin]
55 UCL - University College of London [London]
56 Department of Medicine
57 University of Texas Health Science Center
58 School of Public Health [Boston]
59 Erasmus MC - Erasmus University Medical Center [Rotterdam]
60 CUMC - Columbia University Medical Center
61 David Geffen School of Medicine [Los Angeles]
62 Saarland University [Saarbrücken]
63 Leipzig University / Universität Leipzig
64 School of Medicine [Los Angeles]
65 JKU - University of Linz - Johannes Kepler Universität Linz
66 Department of Neurology [Boston]
67 School of Medecine
68 Oslo University Hospital [Oslo]
69 FIMM - Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland [Helsinki]
70 23andMe Inc.
71 Charité - UniversitätsMedizin = Charité - University Hospital [Berlin]
72 Department of Biological Psychology [Amsterdam]
73 LUMC - Leiden University Medical Center
74 University-Hospital Munich-Großhadern [München]
75 Karolinska Institutet [Stockholm]
76 Universität Ulm - Ulm University [Ulm, Allemagne]
77 Faculty of Medicine and Life Sciences [Tampere]
78 Helsingin yliopisto = Helsingfors universitet = University of Helsinki
79 BWH - Brigham & Women’s Hospital [Boston]
80 Landspitali National University Hospital of Iceland
81 VU University Medical Center [Amsterdam]
82 BVARI - Boston VA Research Institute
83 Department of Physiology, Anatomy and Genetics [Oxford]
84 Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry
85 CAU - Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel = Christian-Albrechts University of Kiel = Université Christian-Albrechts de Kiel
86 Institute of Clinical Molecular Biology
87 National Institute for Health and Welfare [Helsinki]
88 Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
89 UAB - Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona = Autonomous University of Barcelona = Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona
90 Vall d'Hebron University Hospital [Barcelona]
91 University of Tartu
92 UKE - Universitaetsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf = University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf [Hamburg]
93 Center for Human and Clinical Genetics
94 VU - Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam [Amsterdam]
95 UCPH - University of Copenhagen = Københavns Universitet
96 IHBI - Institute of Health and Biomedical Innovation
97 Discipline of Psychiatry [Dublin]
98 Institute of Neurology [London]
99 HKU - The University of Hong Kong
100 University of Melbourne
101 CMSRU - Cooper Medical School of Rowan University [Camden]
102 CHUM - Centre Hospitalier de l'Université de Montréal
103 UA - University of Antwerp
104 ULB - Hôpital Erasme [Bruxelles]
105 NYU - New York University School of Medicine
106 University of Eastern Finland
107 UKB - Universitätsklinikum Bonn
108 Hertie Institute for Clinical Brain Research [Tubingen]
109 NIHR Biomedical Research Centre [London]
110 UMCU - University Medical Center [Utrecht]
111 OSU - The Ohio State University [Columbus]
112 UC San Francisco - University of California [San Francisco]
113 RCSI - Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland
114 SDU - University of Southern Denmark
115 Trinity College Dublin
116 UCH - United Christian Hospital [Hong Kong]
117 UC - University of Cincinnati
118 University of Cologne
119 Inselspital Bern
120 University of Wales
121 Jefferson University Hospitals
122 University of Liverpool
123 Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen = University of Tübingen
124 Medizinische Universität Wien = Medical University of Vienna
125 NIH - National Institutes of Health [Bethesda, MD, USA]
126 DZNE - German Research Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases - Deutsches Zentrum für Neurodegenerative Erkrankungen
127 IRSD - Institut de Recherche en Santé Digestive
128 University of Lincoln [UK]
129 UoN - University of Newcastle [Callaghan, Australia]
130 Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Neurologico "Carlo Besta"
131 University of Virginia
132 UMBC - University of Maryland [Baltimore County]
133 University of Oxford
134 RHUL - Royal Holloway [University of London]
135 Edin. - University of Edinburgh
136 ULISBOA - Universidade de Lisboa = University of Lisbon = Université de Lisbonne
137 UJ - Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowie = Jagiellonian University
138 University of Split
139 UNC - University of North Carolina [Chapel Hill]
140 MSSM - Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai [New York]
141 CRG-UPF - Center for Genomic Regulation
142 McLean Hospital [Belmont, Ma.]
143 NIPH - Norwegian Institute of Public Health [Oslo]
144 UNISA - Università degli Studi di Salerno = University of Salerno
145 University of Bristol [Bristol]
146 TU Dresden - Technische Universität Dresden = Dresden University of Technology
147 RWTH - Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen University
148 Universiteit Utrecht / Utrecht University [Utrecht]
149 Azienda Ospedaliera di Padova
150 Université de Liège
151 MCMCC - Maria Sklodowska-Curie Memorial Cancer Center and Institute of Oncology
152 UNIPG - Università degli Studi di Perugia = University of Perugia
153 Università degli studi della Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli" = University of the Study of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli
154 NKUA - National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
155 UK - Univerzita Karlova [Praha, Česká republika] = Charles University [Prague, Czech Republic]
157 Flinders University [Adelaide, Australia]
158 VCU - Virginia Commonwealth University
159 UiO - University of Oslo
160 UiB - University of Bergen
161 University of Toronto
162 Weill Medical College of Cornell University [New York]
163 UND - University of North Dakota [Grand Forks]
164 ORI - Oregon Research Institute
165 UC San Diego - University of California [San Diego]
166 UB - Universitat de Barcelona
167 CIBER-SAM - Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red Salud Mental [Madrid]
168 Hospital Universitario Mutua de Terrassa
169 School of Computer Science and Communication [Stockholm]
170 Jefferson (Philadelphia University + Thomas Jefferson University)
171 UMG - University Medical Center Göttingen
172 King‘s College London
173 Universität Heidelberg [Heidelberg] = Heidelberg University
174 Radboud University Medical Center [Nijmegen]
175 Universitätsklinikum Frankfurt
176 Maastricht University [Maastricht]
177 Institute of Psychological Medicine and Clinical Neurosciences
178 Aarhus University [Aarhus]
179 Emory University [Atlanta, GA]
180 University of Iowa [Iowa City]
181 UFRGS - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul [Porto Alegre]
182 SickKids - The Hospital for sick children [Toronto]
183 UCLA - University of California [Los Angeles]
184 HCPA - Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre
185 UNIBO - Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna = University of Bologna
186 UBC - University of British Columbia
187 IRCCS Fondazione Stella Maris [Pisa]
188 IBPS - Institut de Biologie Paris Seine
189 NPS - Neuroscience Paris Seine
190 Duke University [Durham]
191 Universidade de Coimbra [Coimbra]
192 ACoRD - Academic Centre on Rare Diseases
193 OLCHC - Our Lady's Children's Hospital Crumlin
194 DKFZ - German Cancer Research Center - Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum [Heidelberg]
195 IMRB - Institut Mondor de Recherche Biomédicale
196 Children’s Hospital Los Angeles [Los Angeles]
197 Yale University [New Haven]
198 Brown University
199 ION - Institute of Neuroscience [Newcastle]
200 MEB - Department of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics
201 Division of Medical Genetics [Seattle]
202 UIC - University of Illinois [Chicago]
203 MMCRI - Maine Medical Center Research Institute
204 GHFC (UMR_3571 / U-Pasteur_1) - Génétique humaine et fonctions cognitives - Human Genetics and Cognitive Functions
205 CERPPS - Centre d’Etudes et de Recherches en Psychopathologie et Psychologie de la Santé
206 Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine [Baltimore]
207 LMU - Ludwig Maximilian University [Munich] = Ludwig Maximilians Universität München
208 University of Michigan [Ann Arbor]
209 Department of Genetic Epidemiology in Psychiatry [Mannhein]
210 University of Dundee
211 NUI Galway - National University of Ireland [Galway]
212 University Hospital Basel [Basel]
213 NeuRA - Neuroscience Research Australia
214 FZJ - Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH | Centre de recherche de Jülich | Jülich Research Centre
215 UNSW Faculty of Medicine [Sydney]
216 University of Chicago
217 WUSTL - Washington University in Saint Louis
218 JHU - Johns Hopkins University
219 Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health [Baltimore]
220 Dalhousie University [Halifax]
221 Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital
222 McGill University = Université McGill [Montréal, Canada]
223 SUNY - State University of New York
224 University Hospital of Cologne [Cologne]
225 University of Adelaide
226 JCU - James Cook University
227 Institute for Molecular Bioscience
228 Greifswald University Hospital
229 UQ [All campuses : Brisbane, Dutton Park Gatton, Herston, St Lucia and other locations] - The University of Queensland
230 The University of Sydney
231 QUT - Queensland University of Technology [Brisbane]
232 UMCG - University Medical Center Groningen [Groningen]
233 University of Calgary
234 University Health Network [Toronto, ON, Canada]
235 Universidad de Antioquia = University of Antioquia [Medellín, Colombia]
236 USP - Universidade de São Paulo = University of São Paulo
237 Ospedale San Raffaele
238 UvA - University of Amsterdam [Amsterdam] = Universiteit van Amsterdam
239 University of Groningen [Groningen]
240 YSM - Yale School of Medicine [New Haven, Connecticut]
241 AMC - Academic Medical Center - Academisch Medisch Centrum [Amsterdam]
242 CHU Pitié-Salpêtrière [AP-HP]
243 HMS - Harvard Medical School [Boston]
244 University of Cape Town
245 CSHL - Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
246 UC Irvine - University of California [Irvine]
247 Universidad de Sevilla = University of Seville
248 UF - University of Florida [Gainesville]
249 University of Denver
250 Purdue University [West Lafayette]
251 CHUV - Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois = Lausanne University Hospital [Lausanne]
252 MIPT - Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology [Moscow]
253 Sunnybrook - Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre [Toronto]
254 IFSP - Federal Institute of São Paulo
255 DUTH - Democritus University of Thrace
256 UGENT - Universiteit Gent = Ghent University
257 Medical University of Warsaw - Poland
258 Sorbonne Université - Faculté de Médecine - Département d'Enseignement et de Recherche en Médecine Générale
259 Uniklinik Essen - Universitätsklinikum Essen [Universität Duisburg-Essen]
260 Vanderbilt University Medical Center [Nashville]
261 Institute of Mental Health [Singapore]
262 UC / UniCan - Universidad de Cantabria [Santander] = University of Cantabria [Spain] = Université de Cantabrie [Espagne]
263 TAU - Tel Aviv University
264 UCC - University College Cork
265 University of Rochester [USA]
266 Statens Serum Institut [Copenhagen]
267 Софийски университет = Sofia University
268 RAS - Russian Academy of Sciences [Moscow]
269 Latvian Biomedical Research and Study Centre [Rīga]
270 Vilnius University [Vilnius]
271 Nanyang Technological University [Singapour]
272 Department of Life Sciences
273 Jena University Hospital [Jena]
274 Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust
275 Schizophrenia Research Institute [Sydney]
276 Faculty of Science, Medicine and Health [Wollongong]
277 CUHK - City University of Hong Kong [Hong Kong]
278 LBNL - Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory [Berkeley]
Wei Wei
  • Fonction : Auteur
  • PersonId : 916960
Didier Hannequin
  • Fonction : Auteur
  • PersonId : 842408
Anne Boland
Jean-François Deleuze
  • Fonction : Auteur
  • PersonId : 1015006
N. Vardarajan
  • Fonction : Auteur
Alison Goate
Matthew Huentelman
  • Fonction : Auteur
Hakon Hakonarson
Walter Kukull
  • Fonction : Auteur
Lindsay Li
  • Fonction : Auteur
Lisa Li
  • Fonction : Auteur
Thomas Thomas
  • Fonction : Auteur
Eli Head
  • Fonction : Auteur
Chris Hulette
  • Fonction : Auteur
James Leverenz
  • Fonction : Auteur
Andrew Li
  • Fonction : Auteur
Vernon Pankratz
  • Fonction : Auteur
  • PersonId : 910033
Linda Li
  • Fonction : Auteur
Anthony Bayer
  • Fonction : Auteur
Magda Tsolaki
  • Fonction : Auteur
  • PersonId : 933361
Nick Fox
  • Fonction : Auteur
  • PersonId : 893842
Martin Kauffmann
Andrew Mcquillin
Agustin Ruiz
  • Fonction : Auteur
Mercè Boada
  • Fonction : Auteur
Montserrat Alegret
  • Fonction : Auteur
Nicholas Furlotte
  • Fonction : Auteur
Julie Buring
  • Fonction : Auteur
  • PersonId : 908780
Ville Artto
  • Fonction : Auteur
Salli Vepsäläinen
  • Fonction : Auteur
Bertram Müller-Myhsok
Hartmut Göbel
  • Fonction : Auteur
  • PersonId : 917602
Nicholas Eriksson
  • Fonction : Auteur
Andreja Avbersek
  • Fonction : Auteur
  • PersonId : 890022
Jonathan Bradfield
  • Fonction : Auteur
Helle Hjalgrim
  • Fonction : Auteur
Rikke Møller
Rodney Radtke
  • Fonction : Auteur
Chris Schankin
  • Fonction : Auteur
Sanjay Sisodiya
  • Fonction : Auteur
  • PersonId : 890022
Philip Smit
  • Fonction : Auteur
Pasquale Striano
Frank Visscher
  • Fonction : Auteur
Federico Zara
  • Fonction : Auteur
Hans Stroink
  • Fonction : Auteur
Matias Martinez
Wei Chen
  • Fonction : Auteur
Cathryn Cath
  • Fonction : Auteur
Filip Rybakowski
  • Fonction : Auteur
Julie O’toole
  • Fonction : Auteur
Sietske Helder
  • Fonction : Auteur
Monica Forzan
  • Fonction : Auteur
Joanna Hauser
Konstantinos Tziouvas
  • Fonction : Auteur
Gudrun Wagner
  • Fonction : Auteur
Vidar Steen
  • Fonction : Auteur
Harald Aschauer
  • Fonction : Auteur
Bru Cormand
  • Fonction : Auteur
  • PersonId : 1015997
Maria Arranz
  • Fonction : Auteur
Jan Haavik
Jonna Kuntsi
Jan Buitelaar
  • Fonction : Auteur
  • PersonId : 882150
Andreas Reif
Olga Rivero
  • Fonction : Auteur
Marcel Romanos
  • Fonction : Auteur
Pat So
  • Fonction : Auteur
Marion Leboyer
  • Fonction : Auteur
  • PersonId : 892461
Dan De-Luca
  • Fonction : Auteur
Jacob Vorstman
  • Fonction : Auteur
  • PersonId : 879600
Ingrid Melle
  • Fonction : Auteur
Janice Fullerton
Maria Grigoroiu-Serbanescu
José Guzman-Parra
  • Fonction : Auteur
Fermin Mayoral
  • Fonction : Auteur
Martin Alda
  • Fonction : Auteur
  • PersonId : 945734
Guy A. Rouleau
  • Fonction : Auteur
  • PersonId : 889825
Piotr M. Czerski
  • Fonction : Auteur
Andreas Forstner
Tracy Air
  • Fonction : Auteur
Jakob Grove
  • Fonction : Auteur
  • PersonId : 900519
Ian Hickie
  • Fonction : Auteur
  • PersonId : 941433
Qingqin Li
  • Fonction : Auteur
Beatriz Camarena
  • Fonction : Auteur
Dan Cusi
  • Fonction : Auteur
Andreas Hartmann
Athanasios Maras
  • Fonction : Auteur
Pablo Mir
  • Fonction : Auteur
  • PersonId : 887829
Humberto Nicolini
  • Fonction : Auteur
Peristera Paschou
  • Fonction : Auteur
  • PersonId : 894690
Jens Wendland
  • Fonction : Auteur
Nuria Lanzagorta
  • Fonction : Auteur
Ana Valencia-Duarte
  • Fonction : Auteur
Elvira Bramon
  • Fonction : Auteur
  • PersonId : 872071
Nancy G. Buccola
  • Fonction : Auteur
David Cohen
  • Fonction : Auteur
  • PersonId : 746498
  • IdHAL : david-cohen
David Hougaard
  • Fonction : Auteur
  • PersonId : 901086
Mark Weiser
  • Fonction : Auteur
Gerome Breen
Mark J. Daly
  • Fonction : Auteur
  • PersonId : 951919
Rita Guerreiro
  • Fonction : Auteur
  • PersonId : 886419


Disorders of the brain can exhibit considerable epidemiological comorbidity and often share symptoms, provoking debate about their etiologic overlap. We quantified the genetic sharing of 25 brain disorders from genome-wide association studies of 265,218 patients and 784,643 control participants and assessed their relationship to 17 phenotypes from 1,191,588 individuals. Psychiatric disorders share common variant risk, whereas neurological disorders appear more distinct from one another and from the psychiatric disorders. We also identified significant sharing between disorders and a number of brain phenotypes, including cognitive measures. Further, we conducted simulations to explore how statistical power, diagnostic misclassification, and phenotypic heterogeneity affect genetic correlations. These results highlight the importance of common genetic variation as a risk factor for brain disorders and the value of heritability-based methods in understanding their etiology.
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cea-01870483 , version 1 (14-03-2019)



Verneri Anttila, Brenda Sullivan, Hilary Finucane, Walter Walters, Jose Bras, et al.. Analysis of shared heritability in common disorders of the brain. Science, 2018, 360 (6395), eaap8757. ⟨10.1126/science.aap8757⟩. ⟨cea-01870483⟩
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