Vidéo Année : 2019

S. Ghazouani - Isoholonomic foliations of moduli spaces of Riemann surfaces


Selim Ghazouani
  • Fonction : Auteur
  • PersonId : 980940
Fanny Bastien
Donovan Humphries
  • Fonction : Réalisateur


In this talk, I will introduce families of foliations on the moduli space of Riemann surfaces M_{g,n} which we call Veech foliations. These foliations are defined by identifying M_{g,n} to certain moduli spaces of flat structures and were first defined by Bill Veech. I will try to expose their specificities, both of geometric and dynamical nature. If time permits I will try to illustrate how the case g=1 is linked to certain differential equations whose solutions are special functions of distinguished interest. This is joint work with Luc Pirio.

Dates et versions

medihal-02274892 , version 1 (30-08-2019)



  • HAL Id : medihal-02274892 , version 1


Selim Ghazouani, Fanny Bastien, Donovan Humphries. S. Ghazouani - Isoholonomic foliations of moduli spaces of Riemann surfaces. 2019. ⟨medihal-02274892⟩
45 Consultations
3 Téléchargements

