Welcome to the HAL PSE PhD Thesis
The HAL PSE Working Papers portal presents the PhD Thesis submitted by doctoral students from the Paris School of Economics.
The Paris School of Economics is a French research institute of international standing in Economics, at the forefront in many different Economic domains and proposes selective teaching docotral programmes. The doctoral programme lasts in average 3 years during which students write their thesis within one of PSE laboratories. This programme is organized within the École Doctorale d’Économie (ED465) that gathers research teams in Economics and related fields (applied math, statistics, sociology) of the University Paris 1, EHESS, ENS and ENPC. It currently includes more than 170 PhD students in residence.
Paris School of Economics
48 bouleavrd Jourdan 75014 Paris
Caroline BAUER - caroline.bauer AT psemail.eu