Migrinter is a research team specialized in the study of international migration and ethnical relations. It is part of the Maison des Sciences de l’Homme et de la Société in the city of Poitiers (France). International migrations and its effects now constitute a complex and important phenomenon. Migrinter aims at understanding the complicated issues raised by international migration, including the implications emerging in both hosts’ societies and the migrants’ countries of origin by providing an interdisciplinary analysis. To reach that goal, Migrinter can count on its 20 years of experience and its staff’s efficiency. It has also established partnerships for years with researchers in other French and foreign universities to foster an exchange of research. Founded in 1983 by Gildas Simon (silver medal of the CNRS in 1996), the Migrinter team has developed a cluster conducting research programs, offering Master degrees for students, publishing papers and hosting a specialized library on migration. Migrinter constitutes the only research center in France that provides all four of these activities regarding international migrations. |
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