LABEX MANUTECH-SISE is a laboratory of excellence belonging to the Université de Lyon located in the city of St Etienne, and has a national and international reputation in the science and engineering of surfaces and interfaces.

LABEX is part of the Université de Lyon St-Etienne’s scientific policy implemented through the IDEXLYON Program in collaboration with the French Federation FR 3411, and the Université de Lyon’s School of Engineering and Technology.

The aims of LABEX are to understand and control surface phenomena such as wear, friction, resistance to fatigue, chemical reactivity, wettability, optical properties and visual and tactile sensory perception. LABEX focuses on surface functionalities, especially tribology, optics and chemistry, and designs advanced manufacturing processes for surfaces and interfaces at different scales, such as ultra-light laser machining, thin films and assemblies.

LABEX MANUTECH-SISE is one of the rare LABEX in France form a public-private consortium, with four universities and engineering schools, and two R & D companies.

LABEX MANUTECH-SISE has a staff of 200. It belongs to the Université de Lyon, and is a partner of the CNRS (French National Scientific Research Center), Jean Monnet University, the Ecole Centrale de Lyon (University level engineering school), St-Etienne Ecole Nationale des Mines de St-Etienne (French national graduate engineering school), St-Etienne Ecole Nationale d’Ingénieurs (French national engineering school), and INSA (French Institute for applied science) Lyon.

LABEX 2020-2024 project has the ambition to extend in the future the MANUTECH “success story” born in 2009 from the pioneering work between LTDS, LabHC and IREIS on laser texturation for tribological components.

From the LABEX 2011-2019 and EQUIPEX MANUTECH-USD born in 2010, MANUTECH has progressively grown to be recognized as one major “place to be” in surface science and engineering, now strengthened with EUR MANUTECH-SLEIGHT focused on light-surface engineering applied to health, energy and security with strong emphasis on the articulation
between research and training with Master’s degrees international perspectives.

The present LABEX 2020-2024 will sustain the development of scientific interactions between the two pillar communities “Optics-Photonics” and “Tribology-Mechanics” whose partnership and scientific production is now internationally recognized.

LABEX MANUTECH-SISE, centered around in 4 scientific axes, is closely associated with the EQUIPEX MANUTECH-USD (Ultra-fast Surface Design) in an Economic Interest Group aimed at creating jobs and activities, it has been a holder of the #French Tech Label since 2016.


The MANUTECH consortium, combining LABEX and EQUIPEX, offers an ideal combination from the scientific idea to the product and the market.




Axis 2 will deepen surface and interface probing implemented on experimental spectroscopic and imaging devices of LABEX partners, to ultimate scale and time dimensions.
In operando analysis of surface will be strongly highlighted to better understand physical, chemical an optical mechanisms and phenomena.