Thermal and Energy Laboratory of Nantes


polytech4The Thermal and Energy Laboratory of Nantes (LTeN) is one of the 7 laboratories of Polytech Nantes, the engineering school of the University.

The LTeN is a joint research unit of the University of Nantes and the CNRS. The laboratory staff is approximately 75 people. Since its creation in 1967, the unit has had a strong thermal identity, recognized as such at national and international level, as well as by the industrial fabric.

Laboratory located in an engineering school, at the heart of the INSIS Institute of the CNRS, the scientific and technological obstacles that we seek to remove are of course raised by the applications. Our environment is favorable to the development of a dynamic based on the classic triptych of teaching-research-industry.

The laboratory is organized around two research axes:

      • Transfers in fluids and energy systems
      • Heat transfers in materials and at interfaces.

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Environmental impact Wall slip Radiative properties Coalescence Thermoplastic composite Rheology Adhésion 2D materials Exergy analysis Marine renewable energy Heat transfer enhancement Machine learning Heat transfer Microfluidics Discrete-scale approach Curing Advection chaotique Microgrid Characterization Overmoulding Plasmon Deep Learning LIF Thermal energy storage CFD Catalytic methane combustion Homogenization Micro-explosion Adhesion Experimental Chaotic advection Thermoplastic composites Microchannel Radiative transfer Compressed air energy storage CAES Caractérisation Energy management Microreactor Inverse method BITUME Floating offshore wind turbine Flow distribution Finite element analysis Perforated baffle Liquid Piston LP Renewable energy 3ω method Convective heat transfer Carbon fibers Thermal conductivity Active mixer Optimisation ENROBE Atomization Cooling Heat transfer coefficient Emulsion Multifunctional heat exchanger Convection Micro-mixing Thin films Newton-Raphson Thermal management Composite Energy storage MATERIAU Mass transfer Vortex generator Coating Flow maldistribution Biofouling Inverse problem Optimization Carbon capture Modeling Latent heat PIV Heat exchanger Modelling Latent heat storage Manufacturing process Thermomechanical Thermal contact resistance Effective thermal conductivity Composites Cristallisation Carbopol Heating Topology optimization Radiation Thermoplastic Méthode inverse COLLAGE Phase change materials Crystallization Efficiency Mixing Phase change material Heat conduction Thermal energy storage TES