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Here is the updated scientific production of the GETALP research team (Study Group for Machine Translation and Automated Processing of Languages and Speech), part of the research area "Data and Knowledge Processing at Large Scale" within the LIG, Grenoble Informatics Laboratory.

The goal of the GETALP is to contribute significantly to the emergence of ubilingual computing, in the context of the development of ubiquitous computiing. This goal requires to carry out researches, often pluridisciplinary, in computer sciences, in linguistics and psycholinguistics, in semantics (link with ontologies), in pragmatics (for the dialogue), and in signal and speech processing.

The GETALP team is organized around six main research topics:

  1. Machine Translation (MT) and Computer-Aided Translation (CAT)
  2. Natural Language Processing (NLP) and associated platforms
  3. Linguistic Data Resources Collection and Construction
  4. Information Systems Localization
  5. Automatic Recognition of Speech, Speakers, Sounds and Dialect
  6. Sounds analysis and Interaction within Perceptive Environments

The activities linked to these research topics share five challenges:


LIG website


Lexical stress Spontaneous speech Human-computer interaction Lexical database Dictionary Ambient Intelligence Affective Computing Affective computing Voice-user interface Assessment Classification ASR Ambient Assisted Living Speech Speaker recognition Analyse morphologique Expressive speech Augmentative and Alternative Communication Natural language generation Comparable corpora Categst2i Natural Language Processing MotÀMot Automatic Speech Recognition Machine Learning Assistance à la vie autonome Machine learning Deep learning Elderly Modèle acoustique Wolof Unwritten languages Habitat intelligent NLP Smart home Information Retrieval Smart Home Emotion recognition Base lexicale Statistical machine translation Français Extraction de contenu Traduction automatique Spoken language understanding Active reading Markov Logic Network Lexique Bambara Détection-de-sons Machine Translation Natural language processing Rhythm Active learning Corpus Évaluation Language documentation BERT Activity Recognition Ambient Assisted Living AAL Comprehensibility XML Natural language understanding Locuteur Under-resourced languages Neural machine translation Speech recognition Communication Alternative et Augmentée LMF Forensic voice comparison Traduction Automatique Reconnaissance automatique de la parole Word Sense Disambiguation Traduction automatique neuronale DiLAF Apprentissage machine TAL African languages Apprentissage automatique Computational language documentation Collaborative annotation Langues peu dotées Word Embedding Challenge Ambient intelligence Arabizi Apprentissage profond Language model Automatic speech recognition Reconnaissance de sons L2 English Pictogrammes French Jibiki Data collection Désambiguïsation lexicale Arabic Dialect Reconnaissance LSTM Machine translation Quality estimation


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