The laboratory agronomy and environment (LAE) is a joint research unit of the French National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment (INRAE) and the University of Lorraine (UL).

It is located in Nancy-Brabois on the site of ENSAIA at Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy in Lorraine and Colmar on the site of INRAE in Alsace. LAE is part of the Agronomy-Agrifood-Forests Cluster of UL and the Environment and Agronomy Department of INRAE. Its activities are developed by 2 research teams.

The ‘’AGISEM’’ team studies effects fo agricultural practices on biodiversity and ecosystem services and develop multi-criteria assessment methods, from field to landscape level, to support the agro-ecological transition.

The team ''Secondary Metabolites'' works to better understand the biosynthetic pathways and identifies biomolecules involved in plant defense. Studies range from the molecular scale of plant metabolism to territory.

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