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Languages and Cultures of Oral Tradition

UMR 7107 │  │

Since 1976, LACITO has been exploring the diversity of languages and civilizations with an oral tradition. This diversity, studied by means of immersion fieldwork within speaker communities, is described and modelled by analyzing the historical, geographical and social factors that shape it. Our research centre’s mission is a matter of urgency, due to the erosion of the diversity of languages and cultures – parallel to the loss of biodiversity. Faced with this challenge, LACITO, in collaboration with various partners (including two neighbouring laboratories, LLACAN and SEDYL), is exploring the possibilities opened up by new technologies. The Pangloss Collection brings together corpora in more than 150 languages (https://pangloss.cnrs.fr/), freely accessible to all audiences.

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Référent HAL :
Balthazar Do Nascimento - balthazar.donascimento[at]cnrs.fr
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