IMoPA is a joint University of Lorraine and CNRS (UMR 7365) research unit.

IMoPA's research teams encompass a broad spectrum of expertise, facilitating investigations at molecular, structural, and cellular levels, as well as contributing to fundamental research on the biology of RNAs, proteins (including glycoproteins), and various enzyme systems. This foundational research is complemented by:

  • Interdisciplinary translational research in cell therapy, regenerative medicine, and chronic inflammatory diseases. This encompasses a diverse range of activities, from producing clinical-grade stem or immune cells for antiviral or anti-transplant purposes to designing replacement biomaterials for osteoarticular applications. Additionally, this includes characterizing these materials using imaging techniques and studying the pathophysiological factors connecting inflammatory joint and digestive diseases.
  • More recently, our research efforts have expanded to encompass the study of healthy and pathological brain mechanisms underlying human cognition. This research primarily involves multi-modal and multi-scale studies of clinical populations, with a particular focus on drug-resistant epileptic patients.

The research teams:

  • RNA, RNP (RNA/P)
  • Glycobiologie moléculaire cellulaire et translationnelle (GlycoBio)
  • Enzymologie Redox Multiéchelle et Epitranscriptomique (EpiRedOx)
  • Structural and Synthetic Biology, Enzymologie, and Applications of Megaenzymes (S2BEAM)
  • Médecine Régénérative Pharmacologie & Caractérisation des tissus ostéoarticulaires (RempaCOAT)
  • Cell-engineering and Immunomodulation of Inflammatory and Neoplastic Disorders (CImIND)
  • Physiopathologie et thérapeutique des tissus cartilagineux (CARPATH)
  • Equipe de Recherche Clinique en Neurosciences (ERCN)


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