index - ICRS11 - International Conference on Residual Stresses du 27 au 30 mars 2022 à Nancy organisée par la SF2M (Société Française de Métallurgie et de Matériaux) et l'Institut Jean Lamour

The 11th International Conference on Residual Stresses is the continuation of the successful series initiated in Garmisch-Partenkirchen (Germany, 1986) and continued in Nancy (France, 1988), Tokushima (Japan, 1991), Baltimore (USA, 1994), Linkoping (Sweden, 1997), Oxford (UK, 2000), Xi’an (China, 2004), Denver (USA, 2008), Garmisch-Partenkirchen (Germany, 2012) and Sydney (Australia, 2016). ICRS11 should have taken place in Nancy in 2020, but due to the COVID pandemic the International Scientific Board of ICRS conferences decided to postpone it to 2022.

The conference provides a key forum for scientists, students, and engineers interested in the prediction, evaluation, control, and application of residual stresses to discuss the state of the art from both theoretical and applied viewpoints. Equal emphasis is given to the measurement, modelling, and utilization of residual stress/strain data. Both the scientific and engineering aspects of these topics, such as the influence of residual stress fields on distortion, material response to loading, damage initiation and propagation, component performance, life and failure have been addressed. Special attention has been paid to method development and burning issues of great current interest, as stresses in nanosized systems, stress analysis using synchrotron radiation, stresses in additive manufacturing, multiscale approaches…

The program of the conference has been built around six scientific sessions, 3 plenary lectures, 12 keynote lectures, 80 oral presentations and a dedicated poster session with 70 posters. In parallel to the scientific conferences, an exhibition of scientific and technical instruments with 11 exhibitors has been organized. The conference gathered 233 attendees from 25 countries.

The conference has been organized by Société Française de Matériaux et Métallurgie (SF2M) and Institut Jean Lamour (IJL), supported by Université de Lorraine, CNRS, Labex DAMAS, RNM, MECAMAT and Metropole du Grand Nancy and sponsored by Safran. The financial and technical support of these institutions and societies is greatly acknowledged.

On behalf of the Organizing Committee Sabine DENIS and Guillaume GEANDIER Institut Jean Lamour, UMR 7198 Université de Lorraine - CNRS, Nancy, France

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