Number of fulltext

1 753

Number of reference

1 685

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Heudiasyc (HEUristique et DIAgnostic des SYstèmes Complexes) is a laboratory managed jointly by Université de Technologie de Compiègne

and CNRS (INS2I section).

The Director (Philippe Bonnifait) and Deputy Director (Yves Grandvalet) are assisted by team leaders.

Heudiasyc's work is in the area of information and communication sciences, and more precisely in computer science, automatic control, robotics, and artificial intelligence.

Heudiasyc constantly seeks to harness synergies between upstream investigative research and targeted research in its quest to address some of the big issues facing society, namely

  • Mobility
  • Transport
  • Communication
  • Security

The aim is to develop ways of representing, analysing and controlling systems that are subject to criteria and constraints, whether these be expressed in scientific, technological, economic, or social terms.

Research is organized around three teams:

  • CID: Knowledge, Uncertainty, Data
  • SCOP: Dependability, Communication, Optimization
  • SyRI: Robotic systems in interaction

Alongside these research teams, Heudiasyc's Administration and Finance Unit and its Technology Platforms Unit provide day-to-day support.

Last submissions

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