Welcome to the home page of the collection-HAL Open Archives Laboratory GEODE. This collection presents the scientific output (articles, conference papers, books and chapters in scientific books, theses ...) of the laboratory members.
Since its creation, the scientific activity of the laboratory GEODE is part of a transdisciplinary approach to relations between environment and societies confronting concepts and methodologies from geography but also naturalistic, social, historical, archaeological or paleoecological disciplines. The laboratory has been a pioneer in the development and use of geosystem and landscape, concepts from which were declined many researches in the field of the environment, where the approach and the specificities of the laboratory provide now extensive capacity of analysis and expertise.

GEODE develops three research items :

  • Geohistory, geoarchaeology and paleoenvironment : the contribution of the past to the understanding of social and environmental changes
  • Dynamics, social and environmental challenges of territories

  • Environment and sustainable development : “Education to …”, construction and mediation to knowledge

Adress : Laboratoire GEODE, Maison de la Recherche, Université Toulouse-Le Mirail, 5, allées Antonio Machado – 31058 TOULOUSE Cédex 9

Information and contact : Emilie GIL : gil@univ-tlse2.fr

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