The Centre for Research on social InequalitieS (CRIS), previously named Observatoire sociologique du changement (OSC), is a joint Sciences Po / CNRS research center. The Centre is devoted to research that covers the multidimensionality of social inequality in contemporary societies. The CRIS research program seeks to describe patterns and trends of inequality, analyze their mechanisms and inform and contribute to policy analysis in a world where inequality has become a major threat. Sciences Po-CRIS is committed to theory-driven empirical research, drawing on a diversity of methods (qualitative, quantitative, experimental, comparative, etc.), adopting micro, meso and macro perspectives, and promoting interdisciplinary approaches for an integrated research on inequality in social sciences. CRIS faculty members are international experts in the study of different facets of inequality such as urban segregation, socio-economic dynamics, disability situation, lifestyles, cultural practices, education, international mobility, migration, ethnoracial minorities, political economy, life trajectory, stratification.

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