index - Centre de Recherche en Automatique de Nancy Access content directly


Created in 1980, the CRAN is a joint research unit (UMR 7039) shared by the University of Lorraine and the CNRS (Institute of Computer Sciences - formerly INS2I).

The laboratory has nearly 250 members: as of January 1, 2024, there are 120 researchers or teacher-researchers (including 8 CNRS researchers section 7 of the CoNRS), researchers from the Lorraine Cancer Institute (ICL, Center for the Fight against cancer), from the Regional University Hospital Center (CHRU) of Nancy or from external organizations, 5 distinguished researchers. The administrative service and the research support service total 27 staff. CRAN welcomes nearly a hundred doctoral students, post-doctoral students and visiting researchers. In 2023, scientific production included nearly 300 articles or communications in national or international journals and conferences. CRAN's work is based on around twenty pieces of equipment (prototypes, demonstrators, platforms, some open and labeled) and develops software and decision-making tools. The research carried out at CRAN concerns the disciplines of automation, signal and image processing, computer engineering, manufacturing, biology and neurology linked to oncology and neuroscience. The research is upstream, finalized, transfer, valorization, translational, clinical.

The laboratory is organized into 3 scientific departments.

The departments




Key words

Descriptor systems Robustness Networked control systems LPV systems Optimal control Breast cancer Sûreté de fonctionnement E-maintenance EEG LMIs Nonlinear observer Optimization Linear matrix inequalities Monte Carlo simulation Glioblastoma Reliability Stability analysis Event-triggered control Optimisation Classification Hybrid systems Bilinear systems Cancer Lyapunov stability Consensus Prognostic Multi-agent systems Dependability Photodynamic therapy Modelling Observability Flatness Linear matrix inequality Wireless sensor networks Multi-component system Linear systems Internet of Things Machine learning Uncertain systems Industry 40 Estimation Fiabilité Stabilization State estimation Simulation Fault detection and isolation Systems Engineering Singular systems Instrumental variable Data reconciliation Stability Observer Safety MTHPC LMI Fault estimation Robust control Nonlinear systems Fault tolerant control Observer-based control Reconfiguration Fluorescence Maintenance System identification Uncertainty Fault diagnosis Unknown inputs Model-free control Modeling Switched systems Systèmes non linéaires Availability Thérapie photodynamique Détection de défaut ingénierie Systèmes linéaires Synchronization Robustesse Nonlinear system Identification Estimation d'état Diagnosis Radiotherapy Multiple model Observers Interoperability Security Neural networks Ontology Fault-tolerant control Diagnostic Prognostics Graph theory Epilepsy Energy efficiency Parameter estimation Modélisation Lyapunov methods Observer design Fault detection Neural network