index - Global Ethics of Compromise
You can access on this website all communications related to the conference "Global Ethics of Compromise Colloquium" (March 7th-8th, 2019) which took place at Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS), Paris.

The present conference aims at expanding the understanding of the controversial concept of compromise in its cultural and transnational dimension, in order to test the relevance of a cultural or global approach to compromise. To do so, it will bring together the contributions of European, American and Asian Philosophers.

What are some normative assumptions and models used to elaborate compromise typologies?
Can we develop an ethics of compromise that is universal, or to what extent compromise vary depending on the socio-cultural history of a country?
How is culture relevant in shaping norms of compromise?



  • Alin Fumurescu, Assistant Professor in Political Science (University of Houston, USA):
    "Political Culture, Identity Politics, and Political Compromise in Comparative Perspective"
  • Elise Rouméas, Postdoctoral Research Associate in Political Theory (University of Oxford, UK):
    "The Procedural Value of Compromise" (now published in an academic journal)
  • Makoto Kurokawa, JD Student in law (University of Hawai’i, Hawai’i):
    "Nationalism and the Island Dispute in the East China Sea"
  • Małgorzata Dereniowska, Researcher in Socioeconomics (University at Gdansk University, Poland):
    "Towards a Global Ethics of Compromise"
  • Martjin Boot, Assistant Professor in Political Science (University College Groningen, Netherlands): 
    "Compromise Between Competing Incommensurable Values" (now published in a collective book)
  • Nicolaï Abramovich, PhD Student in Political Philosophy (Paris 4 Panthéon-Sorbonne, France): 
    "Stuart Hampshire: Procedural Justice, Conflict and Evil"
  • Patrick Overeem, Assistant Professor in Political Theory (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands): 
    "A New Theoretical Framework" (now published in an academic journal)
  • Takeshi Morisato, Postdoctoral Research in Japanese and World Philosophy (Université libre de Bruxelles, Belgium):
    "Metaphysics of Compromise: Kyoto School Perspectives and their Ethical Implications"
  • Urs Marti, Professor in Political Philosophy (Universität Zürich, Switzerland): 
    "No Compromise! Global Politics in the Age of New Nationalism"
  • Véronique Zanetti, Professor of Political Philosophy (Universität Bielefeld, Germany): 
    "No Best Answer: Principled Compromise and Checkboard Solution"
  • Yen-Tu Su, Associate Research Professor in Law (Academia Sinica, Taiwan): 
    "Transitional Justice and Political Compromise in Taiwan"
  • Sandrine Baume, Associate Professor in Political Philosophy (Université de Lausanne, Switzerland): 
    "Are There Any Achilles' Heels in Compromises? A Typology of Criticism against Political Compromise and Possible Counterarguments"


Scientific Committee

Luc Foisneau (EHESS, CESPRA, France)

Emmanuel Picavet (Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, Nosophi, France)

Samia Ferhat (Paris-Nanterre, France)

Julie Saada (Sciences Po Paris, France)

Anne Bazin (Sciences Po Lille, France)

Christian Thuderoz (Insa, Lyon University, France)

Michel Dalissier (University of Kanazawa, Japan)



Laure Gillot-Assayag (PhD student in Political Science, EHESS, CESPRA)


This conference is supported by PSL-Etudes Globales, CESPRA, Collège International de Philosophie.



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