This collection presents a part of the scientific production of the UMR8041 : Centre de Recherche sur le Monde Iranien : Langues, cultures et sociétés de l'Antiquité à nos jours (CeRMI)

The research carried out by the members of the Research Center on the Iranian World (CeRMI) is situated in the different fields of the human and social sciences - study of languages, texts and literatures, history, religions, contemporary societies -, and concerns a geographical territory ranging from the Near East to Central Asia, wherever Iranian cultures have been present during the different historical periods, from Antiquity to the present.

Heir to the "Iranian World" laboratory (UMR7528) founded in 1995 by the same trustees, CeRMI was born on January 1, 2020 following the reconfiguration of the UMR "Iranian and Indian Worlds" (2005-2019).

The laboratory has about twenty permanent members (researchers, teacher-researchers, engineers and technicians), about twenty doctoral students, and several non-permanent members (post-doctoral students, researchers and engineers on contract or invited). Its research library, the James Darmesteter Library, has been housed at the Bibliothèque Universitaire des Langues et Civilisations (BULAC) since 2011.

UMR 8041 CeRMI is currently directed by Mrs. Maria Szuppe, research director at the CNRS, assisted by the Laboratory Council composed of four researchers and teacher-researchers, an engineer and a representative of the doctoral students.

Centre de Recherche sur le Monde Iranien
7 rue Guy Môquet
94800 Villejuif - France

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