To cite these proceedings:

Jankvist, U. T., Van den Heuvel-Panhuizen, M., & Veldhuis, M. (Eds.). (2019). Proceedings of the Eleventh Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME11, February 6 – 10, 2019). Utrecht, the Netherlands: Freudenthal Group & Freudenthal Institute, Utrecht University and ERME. 



Susanne Prediger & Ivy Kidron - Preface: CERME11 in lovely Utrecht historic sites



Uffe Thomas Jankvist, Marja van den Heuvel-Panhuizen & Michiel Veldhuis - Introduction to the Proceedings of the Eleventh Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME11)


Plenary Lectures

Plenary 1 – Paul Drijvers - Embodied instrumentation: combining different views on using digital technology in mathematics education

Plenary 2 – Kathleen Clark - History and pedagogy of mathematics in mathematics education: History of the field, the potential of current examples, and directions for the future

Plenary 3 – Sebastian Rezat - Extensions of number systems: continuities and discontinuities revisited

Plenary Panel - Konrad Krainer, Hanna Palmér, Barbara Jaworski, Susanne Prediger, Paolo Boero, Simon Modeste, Tommy Dreyfus & Jana Žalská - ERME anniversary panel on the occasion of the 20th birthday of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education


Thematic Working Groups

TWG01: Argumentation and proof

TWG02: Arithmetic and number systems

TWG03: Algebraic thinking

TWG04: Geometry Teaching and Learning

TWG05: Probability and statistics education

TWG06: Applications and modelling

TWG07: Adult mathematics education

TWG08: Affect and the teaching and learning of mathematics

TWG09: Mathematics and language

TWG10: Diversity and Mathematics Education: Social, Cultural and Political Challenges

TWG11: Comparative studies in mathematics education

TWG12: History in mathematics education

TWG13: Early years mathematics

TWG14: University mathematics education

TWG15: Teaching mathematics with technology and other resources

TWG16: Learning mathematics with technology and other resources

TWG17: Theoretical perspectives and approaches in mathematics education research

TWG18: Mathematics teacher education and professional development

TWG19: Mathematics teaching and teacher practice(s)

TWG20: Mathematics teacher knowledge, beliefs, and identity

TWG21: Assessment in mathematics education 

TWG22: Curricular resources and task design in mathematics education

TWG23: Implementation of research findings in mathematics education 

TWG24: Representations in mathematics teaching and learning

TWG25: Inclusive Mathematics Education – Challenges for Students with Special Needs

TWG26: Mathematics in the Context of STEM Education


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