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Editor in Chief
Véronique Darras
CNRS – ArchAm (UMR 8096)

Associate Editor
Michelle Elliott
Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne – ArScAn (UMR 7041)

Editorial Secretary and collection manager
Mélanie Deniaux
MSH Mondes – Pôle éditorial (UAR 3225)

Archive created and managed on the CCSD, HAL platform, and based on the model of the pôle éditorial of the MSH Mondes, model modified by Mélanie Deniaux.
Banner design: Grégory Pereira.

MSH Mondes – Pôle éditorial
21, allée de l’Université
F-92023, Nanterre Cedex


MSH Mondes



Publications of Americae

Welcome to the official site of Americae. European Journal of Americanist Archeology (e-ISSN: 2497-1510).

Founded in 2016, Americae is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal dedicated to publishing the most recent findings of archaeological, ethnoarchaeological, and ethnohistoric research carried out within all regions of North or South America and the Caribbean. Our goal is to reach an international readership of professional archaeologists and other scholars.

We accept a variety of manuscript types, including “original research articles” (longer pieces that address broad audiences, such as discussions of method and theory, or major findings that are of great importance to larger regions), “reports” (shorter pieces that may address a more specialized audience, such as detailed descriptions of a specific excavation context, a new method protocol, etc.), “special collections” (a group of manuscripts that represent the proceedings of a symposium at a professional meeting), and “reviews.”

All manuscripts submitted to Americae are subject to an anonymous peer-review process that involves a minimum of two expert readers chosen from the review committee or external members. The scientific standard is guaranteed by submitting articles to an international committee of evaluators. We accept manuscript submissions in English, Spanish, Portuguese, and French.

Our open access, electronic format allows for rapid dissemination to a broad audience. Articles are published to Americae’s website immediately upon final acceptance, rather than relying on a set number of issues published on a predetermined schedule. All articles may be printed free of charge as PDF files.

Americae is supported by the CNRS sciences humaines et sociales of the Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS).

The editorial secretariat is provided by the pôle éditorial of MSH Mondes (UAR 3225) in Nanterre.


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